Author: Lindsay Ingebritson
Self-Portrait Drawing Project
Join Larry Weinberg for a fun art class where you will learn to draw a self-portrait. Materials Needed: pencil, eraser, drawing paper, and a sharpie marker.
Water Lilly Watercolor Project
Join MaryLeah Marshall for a fun art class where you will learn to paint waterlilies using watercolors. Materials Needed: watercolor paper, paint brush, paper towels, bucket of water, and watercolor paint.
Whale Shark Drawing Project
Join Larry Weinberg for a fun art class where you will learn to draw a whale shark. Materials Needed: pencil, eraser, sharpie marker, drawing or watercolor paper, and something to add color (markers, colored pencils, watercolor paints, etc.).
9/17 Friday Night Art Conversation with Wou Browne
Join us on Friday September 17th at 6pm for our host artist is Wou Browne. Wou is an amazing young artist who has a studio at The Rumriver Art Center and he will be sharing his thoughts on his art and his creative process.
New Art Hanging at Allina
Rumriver Art Center has art on display at Allina’s Customer Experience Center in Coon Rapids, MN (8880 Evergreen Blvd, Coon Rapids, MN 55433). The current gallery show features the art of Jerry Jorgenrud and Bill Hogan. They have a variety of watercolor paintings on display. Check out some of their work below!
Halloween Events
Throughout the month of October we have a lot of fun Halloween activities including the Anoka Halloween Paint Night, Kids Coloring Contest, Halloween Glass Mosaic Class, Clay Sugar Skull Class, and a Clay Haunted House Class! CLICK HERE for more information and registration!
Meet Dianne Novak: Mentee from Rumriver Art Center’s 2020-21 Artist Mentorship Program
I sat down with Dianne Novak to see how her year with our mentorship program went for her, I asked her when did she first think she wanted to be an artist? Dianne always thought of herself as a writer and didn’t think she could be an artist as well. She grew up surrounded by… Read More
New Art Hanging at Allina
Rumriver Art Center has art on display at Allina’s Customer Experience Center in Coon Rapids, MN (880 Evergreen Blvd, Coon Rapids, MN 55433). The current gallery show features the art of Anita Cholewa & Cheryl Barr. They have a variety of watercolor paintings on display. Check out some of their work below!
Abstract in Motion Gallery Show
July 17, 2021 – August 9, 2021 Rumriver Art Center is hosting a new art show titled Abstract in Motion in its gallery. The gallery show features the artwork of mentor, Jerry Jorgenrud and his mentee, Bill Hogan. They participated in Rumriver Art Center’s 2020-2021 Emerging Artist Mentorship Program for Older Adults Ages 55+. The purpose of… Read More
Emerging 55+ Artist Mentorship Program
Rumriver Art Center is excited to announce that it will be offering an Emerging 55+ Artist Mentorship Program in 2021-2022. The mentorship program will begin in November 2021 and end in July 2022. The mentors and mentees will be selected from the pool of applicants to participate in the program. All mentee applicants must be ages 55+. There is… Read More