Drumroll Please… We’ve Got an Exciting Executive Leadership Announcement!

We’re thrilled to announce Makilyn (Mak) Koep as the new Executive Director of Rumriver Art Center, beginning January 1, 2024. Mak began at Rumriver Art Center in 2020 as a volunteer. She quickly became a revered Teaching Artist, Community Director and essential part of Rumriver Art Center. Her creative ideas and innovative leadership will steer us towards a bright future.

“Susan and I are confident that Mak is the perfect future Director of Rumriver Art Center. Her artistic genius and innate leadership qualities are perfectly aligned with this art center. Mak connects with and understands our amazing community. As we officially announce this exciting news, we have complete confidence in her vision and unwavering capabilities.” – Larry Weinbery, Director of Rumriver Art Center, preparing for retirement (a.k.a. more time to paint).